Sunday, August 9, 2020

Pandemic chronicles - 21 May ' 20

 21 May

All of us in the state of bengal more so in the south and east, seeing another morning - that is still looking grin, have to thank God. Yes good morning. Nature dusted and washed the city ruthlessly yesterday for little more than four hours. My city has seen it all last evening. The trees and the walls around had lend all arms...fought with the demon that ran pillar to post .. house to the hut...shook poor and wealthy.. sick and healthy.. The roads are water clogged .. trees uprooted, walls broken..There were terrible knocks on the doors and windows. Rain water creeped in the rooms. Many eyes were teary with fear last night..and the pain lingers today to see Krishnachura n Radhachura trees lost its branches. The pregant mango tree is in pain. The Neem has amputated arms.. Damage is too deep than what we can just see now..Some on the land and rest in the mind.
And today the recovery starts.. it's a new day. The Sun has come to visit us..may not be with best of its glory but it comes forth to show the creator is around. Scouting begins to list what is broken.. Am sure am fortunate but my state needs lot of care and love to heal.. Need to volunteer.. And we all need to join hands...
Have never experienced such a cool breeze this date of the year. Give me some sunshine... no we don't need rain for now.. Let the tears dry soon and smile restore.

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