I meet him for the second time this year. Heard, that he is not a friendly guy. But we rocked in the first meet. It was all by coincidence that we meet the next time in a funeral ceremony. Sense of loss was looming in the house, but he was the only one moving with a smiling face. I had no option but to express my joy of meeting him once more. We exchanged dialogues - sweet nothings. I conveyed him that I need to board a flight and travel back home that evening. He expressed a mixed feelings and urged me to move to the lonely bedroom for a private chat.
Sense of loss was heavy and mind was more tired than body. I wanted to take this opportunity to stretch-out. We moved into the room hand in hand unnoticed by others who were busy in family rituals - more on rules less on relation. I was about to remove my spectacles to close my eyes. He held on to my hands. His small and soft hands tried its best to have a grip on mine. I accepted the defeat to make him happy but raised my eye brows to enquire why?
With a brilliant smile he said - "Dream with your spectacles on , dreams become clear!". Not sure what he thought but I wondered it would be great to have such a spectacle to render dreams clearly. To break our unconventional dating session Meetu - a doctor by professional and a mother of an autistic kid by fate popped in. Meetu and I are connected by relation with the man who had bid a farewell to the world and we had gathered to witness his last rites. I could sense her mental turmoil searching for her only son in a crowded house.
Realizing that her challenged son is in safe custody she wanted to express her gratitude, which earnestly should have come from my end as he was the only piece of happiness in the unrest state of affairs. Meetu's seven years challenged son taught me to dream different. Not sure when we would again get a chance to meet - may be some other family gathering and wish for a better cause.
Gyan #25 Visioning a clear dream is more than reality!